@wamyremy ACK!
I've been pretty neglectful in terms of my uploads this year... Between biting off way more than I can chew and real life nonsense, the stress has got me sweatin'!
Fortunately, I've made dents in several projects I've been working on recently! So, hopefully, I don't keep ya (and others (wamyremy and others... Did I just invent some kind of show? (What Genre Even...? (This can play out in one (1) of two (2) ways... Either I change the name to [wamyremy & friends], which sounds like a light-hearted, goofy adventure of the week type show, or I stick to my guns and keep it [wamyremy & others], which sounds like some sort of deep introspective drama... Hmmst... (Yo, how many parentheses are you allowed to have in a single sentence? I'm not too hot on grammar... (You go to college, you probably know... (Less, of course, Literary pursuits (Isn't that some kind of board game...?) are not part of your Curriculum... (Oh, because my grammar ain't good, I downloaded the Grammarly extension for my browser, and let me tell ya, it can perform adequately, but do not pay money for it! It's kind of HOT GARBO! (After all, it said this hot mess was okay! (Also, apparently, Garbo is the last name of a deceased actress... (How Unfortunate...))))))))))) waiting too much longer to see what I've been cookin' up!
I have to admit I did not actually read this... Instead, I decided to let a text to speech program read it out. Had I known that it would read out every single exclamation mark, I would have reconsidered not being so lazy... (Yes, I sat through the whole thing. I'm no coward! >:[)
I hope your Higher Learning™ Endeavors go Smoothly and your Days Pleasant~
hey thanks! lotta wacky stuff on your page, huh? i'll stick around, you got yourself a follow :DD <3